The Top 5 Priority Pitfalls
One of the most important success and leadership skills, in the time management area, is the ability to create clear priorities and align your choices with those priorities. Making these fundamental decisions are part of our executive function. And with the amount of stress, overwhelm and challenges in our everyday lives, knowing and honoring our […]
Top 5 Task Management Essentials
Today’s blog is the third installment of my Time Management Mastery series. If you missed the first 2 in the series, you can find them here: Top 10 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail Top 10 Causes of Procrastination If you find them valuable, please leave a comment and share them out to your community. I […]
Top 10 Causes of Procrastination
I’ve been putting off writing this blog post on procrastination… (only slightly kidding) Let’s talk about procrastination – procrastination is an overwhelmingly common time management problem: 20-25% of people procrastinate chronically. 88% of workers procrastinate 60+ minutes daily on the job. 80-95% of college students procrastinate to some degree. 75% of people consider procrastination […]
Top 10 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail
Why do New Year’s resolutions tend to fail? The fact is that the majority of people who set New Year’s resolutions are not successful in achieving what they set out to accomplish. Some 90% of New Year’s resolutions fail and this is such common knowledge that January 19th has come to be known as “Quitters’ […]
Why Do Artists Need Professional Development?
[av_one_half first min_height=” vertical_alignment=” space=” custom_margin=” margin=’0px’ row_boxshadow=” row_boxshadow_color=” row_boxshadow_width=’10’ link=” linktarget=” link_hover=” title_attr=” alt_attr=” padding=’0px’ highlight=” highlight_size=” border=” border_color=” radius=’0px’ column_boxshadow=” column_boxshadow_color=” column_boxshadow_width=’10’ background=’bg_color’ background_color=” background_gradient_color1=” background_gradient_color2=” background_gradient_direction=’vertical’ src=” background_position=’top left’ background_repeat=’no-repeat’ animation=” mobile_breaking=” mobile_display=” av_uid=’av-4q6vwmu’] [av_textblock size=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” font_color=” color=” id=” custom_class=” av_uid=’av-k5fj64zx’ admin_preview_bg=”] What is Professional Development? According to, […]
Choose a Theme for the New Year
This time of year you hear a lot of talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Do they work? Don’t they? Everyone has a theory. I’ve written about methods I recommend for creating a successful New Year’s Resolution in the past. And, of course, I’ve written a ton about setting goals and creating plans. But this year, […]
An Idea is Only as Good as the Implementation
What is implementation? im·ple·men·ta·tion /impləmənˈtāSH(ə)n/ (noun) the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution. As a creative business owner who loves what you do, you are probably inundated with great ideas every day. You probably get them in the shower, as you’re driving, while you’re sweating on the treadmill. But how many […]
Procrastination as Information
When clients admit to procrastinating on an action in session, they are usually shrouded in shame and embarrassment. As if somehow they are a failure, because they’ve been procrastinating. Does this sound familiar: It feels like there’s a part of you that knows you “should” be doing this action and that part even wants to […]
Is Action Your Missing Piece?
In my fifteen years as a business coach for the professionally creative and creative entrepreneurs, I’ve seen a lot of incredibly smart, very talented people struggle to bring their dreams to fruition. When I first started – I believed that this was largely due to a lack of knowledge in business fundamentals and business skills. […]
The Magic of Action – Free Webinar!
Do you struggle with procrastination? Are you overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff to do – so much you are frozen by it? Or are you really busy – but lack confidence that you’re doing the right things to create success? Action is required to bring any goal to fruition. Without action, inspiration and […]