Choose a Theme for the New Year

This time of year you hear a lot of talk about New Year’s Resolutions. Do they work? Don’t they? Everyone has a theory. I’ve written about methods I recommend for creating a successful New Year’s Resolution in the past. And, of course, I’ve written a ton about setting goals and creating plans. But this year, […]
An Idea is Only as Good as the Implementation

What is implementation? im·ple·men·ta·tion /impləmənˈtāSH(ə)n/ (noun) the process of putting a decision or plan into effect; execution. As a creative business owner who loves what you do, you are probably inundated with great ideas every day. You probably get them in the shower, as you’re driving, while you’re sweating on the treadmill. But how many […]
Opportunity Overwhelm

I recently had a very interesting conversation with a client who called for some in-between-session support. He called because he was feeling completely stuck. He was swamped with having so much to do, so many opportunities he could be taking advantage of, and he felt completely overwhelmed. He had no idea how to prioritize all […]
How to Use Goals, Actions and Strategies to Craft a Plan

In Part One of this article – Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY! – I clarified the differences between goals, actions and strategies and talked about why that is a difference that makes a difference. In this article, I’m going to explain how you can design a plan that employs all three aspects. […]
Are Goals Really Necessary?

I was having a conversation with a client the other day. He’s an engineer and is always working on cutting edge, invention type stuff. He said that setting goals doesn’t work in this type of design. Because when you are inventing something for the first time, you don’t really know what you’re going to end […]
How to Implement the Learning

There is a lot to learn about how to succeed in your business – whether it’s Music, Art, Film, Dance. Here at the Artist’s Marketing & Business Academy, we strive to teach you all that you need to know to create the career of your dreams. But it’s not enough to simply learn. Knowledge without […]
Goals and Actions and Strategies – Oh, MY!

I was on the TAXI Forum and I came upon this thread “Post your Goals after attending the Rally” (the yearly conference for TAXI Members). While reading through people’s responses to the question, I noticed that most posts were a combination of goals, actions and strategies, with the posters conflating their intended actions, strategies and […]
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 5: Implement the Plan

GET INTO ACTION – Finally So, you’ve explored your starting point, created your vision of the ending point, explored all the ways to get there and created a plan. And now, finally, it’s time to put that plan into action! In Step 5 of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Roadmap to Success, you implement the plan that came out […]
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 3: Expand What’s Possible

Step 3 of the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Roadmap to Success method for achieving your goals is “Explore all the ways to get there.” Most people, when they Set a Goal, jump right into action doing all the things they know to do in order to achieve that goal. The problem is that they don’t know what they […]
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Step 1: Starting Point Assessment – Where Are You NOW?

Once they’ve set a goal, most people make the mistake of jumping right into action doing the stuff they think they should. But how can you successfully plan for a journey without knowing where you’re starting from? In any journey from Point A to Point B – identifying Point A (your starting point) will enable […]