Rising Star Systems

Social Media Marketing – Part 1

I’m completely fired up about doing the social media thing the right way – and I no longer feel completely overwhelmed by it. And so, of course, I want to help you feel the same way.


I believe that Leadership, or the lack thereof, underlies many if not all of the challenges that we are experiencing in today’s world. But what is Leadership?

Maintaining Motivation

If you want to not only create motivation in yourself, but also be able to maintain it over time, the type of reasons to do something are also critically important. When you are looking at your reasons for doing something – you want your reasons to be forward motivated, not away-from motivated.

PR vs. Advertising

Small Business owners who do not have a background in marketing often confuse PR (public Relations) and advertising.  Advertising refers to a very specific thing – buying space/time in a public medium such as print, radio, TV, or billboard.  Public relations refers to everything else we do to promote ourselves and our business. Frankly, unless […]

Creator’s Block

creative, coach, business

Whether you are writing words, writing songs, painting, taking photographs, sculpting, designing jewelry or in any way creating on a regular basis, creator’s block can happen. So, in this month’s newsletter, I’m going to look at creator’s block, give you an overview of possible causes (which I’ll be writing more about in my blog) and a technique to help you break through your block.

Create Your Reality

Every morning, I like to start the day by creating a context for the day. Some people think of these as affirmations, but that’s not quite what I mean. I mean that I decide what my perspective is for the day. What’s my paradigm? How am I going to perceive my world, my circumstances, my environment? What reality do I choose today? My context gives meaning to the world. It actually creates my experience.

What do YOU stand for?

I was having dinner with a client and two new friends the other night.  And we were talking about values and Ben Franklin’s Virtues. Senia, a positive psychology coach, chimed in that she had used her name to create an anagram for her values.  And then we were off!  So we all came up with […]