Debra Recommends Local 1000 American Federation of Musicians

Local 1000 was created by and for traveling musicians. No matter where you live in Canada or the U.S., if you tour on the folk, bluegrass and acoustic music circuit, Local 1000 is for you,
Debra Recommends Folk Venue List Serve

A list serve for folk venue promoters – primarily a place for them to discuss amongst themselves the issues that they face as venues. This is NOT a good place to promote your act – but is useful for market research.
Debra Recommends FOLKDJ List Serve

FOLKDJ-L is an electronic discussion group for DJs and other people interested in all folk-based music (bluegrass, old-time, traditional balladry, traditional international music, singer-songwriters, etc.) on the radio. It is primarily a place where DJ’s post their play lists.
Debra Recommends Folk Alliance International

Since 1989, the North American Folk Alliance has served as the headquarters for Folk Music and Dance. With over 2000 members worldwide and an annual conference that is one of the five largest music conferences in North America, Folk Alliance continues to grow and mature while providing a unique range of member services to the acoustic and traditional music community.