Rising Star Systems

artists-marketing-business-academy-interview-with-expertsCreate Buzz

On this call, author and speaker Bob Baker dissected and examined buzz and the elusive qualities that create ideas that spread.

Here are just some of the topics Debra and Bob discussed:

  • The four stages of successful viral marketing
  • Lesson from the book “Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die”
  • The 3 things an effective brand identity must communicate to cut through the clutter
  • The role of innovators and early adopters
  • Buzz marketing secrets from “The Secret”
  • How to make your talents and creativity “spreadable”

Additional Resources for this Interview:

Additional ArtistsMBA Classes on this Topic

Listen to the Interview:

[wlm_private ‘Professional|Mastery’]

[iframe_loader src=”http://www.audioacrobat.com/playweb?audioid=P560470ed95b2fef255a88d23b1fa5193Z1h%2BQ1REamZx&buffer=5&shape=6&fc=eaeaea&pc=99CCCC&kc=3399CC&bc=ffffff&brand=1&player=ap24″ height=”20″ width=”206″ frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no”]
MP3 File

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Ready to get serious? Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these classes today!

Your Tuition ($79 per month) includes all Foundation level classes PLUS the Professional level classes PLUS the Time Management Mastery Course & App.

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Click here to upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these advanced classes today (at the $65 per month Discounted Tuition Upgrade price includes all the benefits of the Professional Program)


Read the Interview Transcript

[wlm_private ‘Mastery’](Transcript coming soon)
Download the full transcript of How to Create Buzz and Stimulate Word-of-Mouth Marketing, An Interview with Bob Baker
[!wlm_private “Mastery”]

Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today

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Upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today

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Bob Baker

marketing, word of mouthBob Baker is an author, musician, and workshop leader who is dedicated to helping musicians, authors, and creative people of all kinds get exposure, connect with fans, and increase their incomes through their artistic passions. Bob’s books include “Guerrilla Music Marketing Handbook,” “Unleash the Artist Within,” “Branding Yourself Online,” “The Newbie’s Guide to Book Marketing and Self-Publishing,” and more.

For hundreds of music marketing tips, visit Bob’s Website

2 Responses

  1. I was on the call with Bob and found it a valuable use of my time. Bob is so down to earth and easy to listen to. He sincerely cares about helping creative people increase their marketing skills. Also, I had his book, “Guerilla Music Marketing” in front of me, and it added to the information he was sharing.

  2. This was a great class! I got a lot out of it. And not just because I was the only person asking questions. =)

    Fantastic class! Download and listen, good people.


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