How to Create a Fanbase From Scratch

Back in February, I interviewed Ariel Hyatt about how to create a successful crowd funding campaign. The first thing you need to build a successful crowdfunding campaign is, well, a CROWD! It seems obvious, I know – and yet you’d be shocked how often I get this question from people who have 150 names on […]
Branding 101

What is branding? Branding is a fundamental marketing concept that is often misunderstood by business owners. According to Wikipedia: “A brand is a “Name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those of other sellers.”[1] Branding began as a way to tell one person’s cattle […]
Internet Marketing 101

SEO! SEM! PPC! Oh My! The internet has paved the way for the Artist Entrepreneur to create your own career without waiting for the record deal, the publishing deal or anybody to “discover” you. But learning what you need to know and figuring out how to apply it to your business can quickly become overwhelming. […]
Internet Marketing and the Artist Entrepreneur

Whether you’re in music, film, dance, the visual arts or writing, the presence of the Internet has significantly changed your industry in the last 20 years. For many of the big corporations who in the past controlled your industry, these changes have been terrifying, threatening their very existence. For the artist entrepreneur, the DIY artist, […]
How to Manage Your Marketing – The Contact Management System

Marketing is creating an environment in which people feel comfortable enough to buy from you, over and over again. Sounds like a great idea, right? But what exactly does that mean in terms of day to day actions? And how do you systematize creating that environment? Does this sound familiar? You’ve got a pile of […]
Social Media – The Art of Engagement

Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube – OH MY! Social Media is everywhere and it’s clear that there are some Artists and business owners in the Arts & Entertainment Industry (including the Music Business, Film Industry and Publishing) who are using it to build real world success. But there are a lot of people who are overwhelmed […]
Marketing 101

Marketing is fundamental to your success. If you’re out to make a prosperous living doing what you love, it just won’t happen without marketing. Yet few artists spend much time learning this foundational set of skills.
Copyright and Trademark Basics an Interview with Jeff Fabian

Trademark and copyright protection are fundamental components of a sound business strategy for all artists and professionals in the Music Business, Visual Arts or Film and Television Industry. But do we have to be lawyers to understand the basics? Jeff Fabian says “NO!” and he is going to going to prove it to us in […]
Multiple Streams Step 7: Strengthen Relationships

All the principles you’ve put into practice and hard work that you’ve done in the previous steps come together in this 7th Step of the Multiple Streams of Income business model. Your pink spoon and product funnel draw them deeper into relationship with you. The research you’ve done on your niche, their language and preferences […]
Multiple Streams Step 6: Convert Prospects

A lot of marketing and sales programs talk about how to Drive Traffic – and we cover that critical area in Step 5. But if all you do is get people to “Like” your Fan Page or even sign up on your email list – you will not succeed. The key to success in your […]