Marketing is fundamental to your success. If you’re out to make a prosperous living doing what you love, it just won’t happen without marketing.
Yet few artists spend much time learning this foundational set of skills. And many people (not just artists) have a serious misunderstanding about marketing and sales, what it is, how it works and how to do it ethically and artfully.
In this class you’ll discover:
- The 3 biggest misconceptions about Marketing
- How to use marketing to create lifetime fans and a sustainable career
- What it takes to create a Marketing Plan and implement it in a systematic and repeatable way.
Without promotion something terrible happens … nothing!
P.T. Barnum
You can create the most brilliant product, but if nobody knows about it, you will not succeed.
Additional Resources for this Class:
- Sales & Marketing Resources Page
- Music Resources Page
- Bob Baker, the Buzz Factor
- Niche Marketing Article
- Multiple Streams of Music Income Self-Study Program
Prerequisite Class:
Listen to the Class:
[wlm_private ‘Foundation|Professional|Mastery’]

Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy to access these classes today!
Your Tuition ($5 for first 14 days then $39 per month) includes all Foundation level classes PLUS the Time Management Mastery Course & App.
Read the Class Transcript
[wlm_private ‘Mastery’]
Download the full transcript of Marketing 101
[!wlm_private “Mastery”]
Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today
[wlm_private ‘Foundation|Professional’]
Upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Mastery Lab to access the transcript of this class today
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[!wlm_private “Foundation”]
Ready to get serious? Enroll in the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these classes today!
Your Tuition ($79 per month) includes all Foundation level classes PLUS the Professional level classes PLUS the Time Management Mastery Course & App.
[wlm_private ‘Foundation’]
Click here to upgrade to the Artists Marketing & Business Academy Professional Program to access these advanced classes today (at the $65 per month Discounted Tuition Upgrade price includes all the benefits of the Professional Program)